Wednesday 14 December 2011

Waste of space

Today I have been mostly in London going from one meeting to the other, using rail, tube and feet.

What struck me was the number of advertising boards, both static and video, that were empty. From the first train I got on a board said 'Advertise Here' and it seemed what station I was at there were big empty spaces.

Clearly this is another sign of recession but it's also a waste of space.

There are so many social and environmental messages that could be spread using these empty media channels: poverty, sustainability, biodiversity loss.......

OK designing, printing and putting up posters would incur cost but a number of screens that are controlled remotely and could be filled with simple messages were also blank, advertising nothing but the companies that run the screens.

I realise that these companies have to create revenue but on days like today with so much space left empty surely it could have been put to better use?

Friday 2 December 2011

Interview with Santa Claus

Yesterday we caught up with Santa Claus (aka Father Christmas, St Nicholas and many others). The world is a different place than it was just 50 years ago and we wondered how Santa was coping with the changes.

What is the biggest challenge for you this year?

Well there are now over seven billion people on the planet, so that's a lot of presents to deliver and I don't have any more time than when there was half that number, which was only 40 years ago. Seems like only yesterday.

How is the present making going?

It's not like it was. Not that long ago we made most of our presents from wood, a sustainable source and we could manage the tree planting from one year to the next. But nowadays it's all gadgets and gizmos with precious metals and toxic chemicals. Getting the components is a struggle and every year it gets harder. People seem to forget that nature is a slow process, it's not like the interwebby, it takes a very long time to produce metals and minerals and every year we have less and less. I have no idea how we'll manage next year.

Is it true that you live at the north pole?

We live near the north pole but invisible to the human eye.

Have you seen any changes as a result of climate change?

Oh yes. And it has caused some confusion. There isn't as much sea ice as there used to be which means when flying over it the reindeers think we've gone further than we actually have and they start slowing down or changing direction too early. Most frustrating. Of course some of the wildlife is also suffering, if they all survive we may end up with an overcrowding problem, it's like living on a shrinking island.

With all the advances in technology you still prefer to use reindeer?

I do yes, apart from the low emissions, high mileage to fodder, and their agility, they are just good company. I know that people talk with their blueteeth in their cars but it's not quite the same. I do wish that architects would think more about roof areas though. With over 50% of the world's population living in cities it's pretty hard to get about and it's such a shame that more buildings don't have green roofs, it would mean the reindeer could have a snack while I was doing my deliveries.

Do you think Christmas is still a special time?

I think it can be. Unfortunately my job isn't what it used to be because for many people every day is like Christmas - they are showered with gifts or treat themselves so it's not the time of the year that you get really spoiled any more. But it can still be a time for giving and there are many people in the world who still live in poverty, much wildlife that is endangered and many causes that require supporting. I used to feel that Christmas was a time that you could make someones life a little bit more enjoyable and that is still true if we choose to do it.

Santa Claus can be seen in department stores around the world until 24th December.